Actually, as an expert in cardboard packaging, we are not relevant to the system. Nevertheless, we have found that we are irreplaceable for the professions that are really relevant at the moment. Quite the opposite, to other areas of the industry, our production volume has skyrocketed.

The phone of the HvC center really rang non-stop. New inquiries were constantly coming in from customers who urgently ordered an unusually large quantity of cardboard boxes: With a good hygiene concept and a master plan in shift distribution, we successfully mastered this peak phase.

Food retailing and the pharmaceutical industry kept operations busy

The reason for the large orders: The food retail trade (LEH) needed an above-average amount of food packaging due to the “hoarding purchases” and the pharmaceutical industry also had its hands full with the supply of hospitals.

Interim conclusion: A state of emergency

However, we could not have managed it alone

After we got the strict hygiene concept up and running, we expanded our shift operations. The quantities to be produced were so gigantic that we were in continuous operation 6 days a week á 20 hours. We tried to cope with the situation in a 2-shift system. Our production managers were in close contact with suppliers throughout so as not to interrupt the supply chain wherever possible. Our partner companies from the printing sector also helped us to handle the workload with good communication and a concept that was perfectly tailored to the situation.

The faster the better was the motto

In the last few weeks, “just in time” production has been the order of the day for us: some of our cardboard boxes have gone straight from the assembly line to the truck. You probably have a hard time imagining the magnitude. Maybe it will help you if we tell you that we have asked all other customers to put their orders to us in the back of the queue. We only had eyes and ears for food retail and pharmaceutical packaging.

Since the 19th week, normality has returned to our production.

On this way a big THANK YOU to all who supported us

First and foremost, we would like to thank our employees, some of whom gave up their vacation to support us in this exceptional situation. Management is proud of each individual and the sacrifice each of our employees has made to help others in your job that is relevant at the moment. We would also like to thank all our customers who supported us 100%. In such a crisis situation, it is important to put one’s own need behind and help those who need help.

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